
Saturday, 2 November 2019

Deed for Lands at Lisheenanoran, James Blake of Ardfry, Rev John Burke and Rev John Francis, Franciscan Convent, Galway

1857 Vol. 28 Memorial No. 97
From the Register appointed by act of Parliament for registering deeds leases and so forth
A memorial of an indented deed of Conveyance dated the first day of October one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven and made between James Blake of Ardfry in the County of Galway Esquire of the one part and the Reverend John Burke and the Reverend John Francis both of the Franciscan Convent in the County of the Town of Galway Roman Catholic Clergymen of the other part reciting that the said James Blake is now seized in fee simple of all that and those the town and lands of Lisheenanoran in the Barony of Clare and County of Galway containing six hundred and eighty six acres and seven perches statute measure or thereabouts with the appurtenances further reciting that in consideration of the sum of seven hundred pounds sterling to the said James Blake paid by the said Reverend John Burke and Reverend John Francis he the said James granted bargained sold and released unto the said John Burke and John Francis their executors administrators and assigns the said hereinbefore described messuage and premises
TO HOLD the same with them the said John Burke and John Francis their executors administrators and assigns for ever subject to the provisoe therein contained for the redemption of the premises as follows that if the said James Blake his heirs executors administrators or assigns shall pay unto said John Burke and John Francis their executors administrators or assigns the said sum of seven hundred pounds on the twenty ninth day of August one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight with interest at the rate of five pounds per centum per annum then and in such case they the said John Burke and John Francis their executors administrators or assigns shall convey and assure said premises unto said James Blake his heirs or assigns reciting covenant for good title and power on the part of the said James Blake to grand and assign said messuage and premises as in said deed is mentioned and that he the said James Blake should pay the said sum of seven hundred pounds as on the days and times mentioned with the interest thereon and in default that ofso doing it would be lawful for the said John Burke and John Francis their executors administrators or assigns to enter upon and hold said messuage and premises adn to receive and take the rents issues and profits thereof for their use and which said deed and this memorial as to the execution thereof by the said James Blake are respectively witnessed by Michael McNamara of the town of Galway solicitor and Patrick Irwin of Eyre Street in said County of the town of Galway writing Clerk - James Blake - seal - Signed sealed and delivered in presence of - Michl MacNamara - Patrick Irwin - The above named Michael Macnamara maketh oath and saith he is a subscribing witness to the deed of which the above writing is a memorial and also to said memorial and saith he saw said deed and memorial duly executed by the above names James Blake and saith the name Michael MacNamara subscribed as a witness thereto respectively is his this deponents proper name and hand writing - Michl MacNamara - SWORN before me at Galway in the County of the town of Galway this 1st day of October 1857 a master extraordinary for receiving affidavits in her Majesty's High Court of Chancery in Ireland for said County and I know the deponent - Michael Perrin - A true Copy - nine folios - Michael Masterson.

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